What Kind of Economy is Best for Self Directed IRAs?

The economy. It’s a phrase you hear over and over during a…

Getting Over Your Self Directed IRA Fears

When two people see a spider, they can have two very different…

Real Estate IRAs - Sound Investments?

Anyone who’s watched the stock market lately knows that the…

Real Estate IRA - Owning Raw Land

Most Real Estate IRA writing focuses on plain vanilla residential…

Self Directed IRA: Getting Started in Hard Money Lending

Looking for a way for your Self Directed IRA or other retirement…

New to Self Directed IRA -Answers to Frequent Concerns

When you tell people--sometimes, even investors with multiple…

Are You Secure? Three Protections of the Real Estate IRA

How secure is your retirement nest egg? If you own a Real Estate…

Self Directed IRAs: Four Ways to Take Charge of your Financial Destiny

There’s an old saying: “seize the day.” But what if your…

Self Directed IRA - How to Build for the Long Term

Investing for short-term gains is great, particularly if you’re…

Self Directed IRAs - Quick Guide to Smart Investments

With Self Directed IRAs, what constitutes a “smart investment?”…