What Do Warren Buffett and Self-Directed IRA Owners Have in Common?

Warren Buffett, the venerable master investor and Chairman of…

Should Real Estate IRA Owners Work With Agents?

Holding real estate within a Real Estate IRA is getting increasingly…

8 Principles To Protect Your Real Estate IRA

IRAs enjoy tremendous statutory protection from lawsuits, creditors…

Real Estate IRA Update: Green Homes Catching On in North Carolina

North Carolina Real Estate IRA owners and enthusiasts take note:…

Wit and Wisdom From The World’s Greatest Self-Directed IRA Investors

Every once in a while, we like to have a bit of fun. And as investment…

Self-Directed IRA Plans for Small Business Owners

There’s a lot of press out there about the Self-Directed IRA. The…

A Guide to Holding Physical Gold in a Self-Directed IRA

Quick: picture “wealth.” Go ahead, close your eyes and imagine…

Does Your “Investment Personality” Line Up with Real Estate IRAs?

“Investment personality?” you might ask. “What’s an investment…

Five Benefits to Holding “Regular” Investments in a Self-Directed IRA

To many, the idea of investments is pretty simple. You put your…

Using Your Self-Directed IRA as a Hedge Against Inflation

We’re not the first to make the analogy: Inflation is a cancer…