What You Might Not Know About Real Estate IRAs

You’ve heard of the IRA. You know that you should be investing…

Three Advantages to Holding a Self-Directed IRA in a Volatile Market

It doesn’t matter what kind of investor you are: when you see…

What Kinds of Investors Should Hold LLCs and Partnerships in a Self-Directed IRA?

If you’re new to the concept of a Self-Directed IRA, an idea…

Five Reasons Entrepreneurs Choose Self-Directed Solo 401K Plans

If you’ve ever wanted to “invest like an entrepreneur,”…

What Are the Benefits of a Self-Directed IRA in the Form of a Roth IRA?

If you’ve heard the term “Roth IRA,” then you definitely…

What Can't You Invest In With a Self-Directed IRA?

If you’ve been reading AmericanIRA.com, you know that we’ve…

Why Nervous Investors Can Benefit from Real Estate IRAs

When stock markets are volatile, investors (rightly) get nervous.…

Understanding Your Self-Directed Solo 401K : The Basics

If you’ve been reading this site, then you know about the benefits…

Five ‘Bad Assumptions’ Investors Make About Real Estate IRAs

“You know what happens when you assume, right?” This famous…

Proposed New Rules Could Affect Self-Directed IRAs

The federal government has proposed tightening some rules that…