Self-Directed Traditional IRA

Top Six Self-Directed Real Estate IRA Mistakes Investors Make

Experience is the best teacher, it is said. But it’s a fool…
Self-Directed ROTH IRA

Self-Directed Real Estate IRA Tips: Ways to Maximize Your Retirement Nest Egg

A Self-Directed Real Estate IRA—in other words, a Self-Directed…
Self-Directed Real Estate IRA

How Does a Self-Directed Real Estate IRA Help You Retire, As Opposed to the Usual IRA?

“A penny saved is a penny earned.” That old maxim about saving…
Self-Directed Real Estate IRA

How to Do Your Real Estate Due Diligence in a Real Estate IRA

A Self-Directed Real Estate IRA, or a Self-Directed IRA in which…
Alternative Investments

Self-Directed IRA Investment Options for Beginning Real Estate Investors

Using a Self-Directed IRA to invest in retirement opens up an…
Better and Worse

America’s Most (And Least) Affordable Cities for Retirement

Retiring on a shoestring? Or do you just want to live and/or…
Coastal Property purchases with your Self-Directed IRA

Buying a Coastal Property Using a Self-Directed Real Estate IRA

Coast property is always a popular investment. There is a constant…
Self-Directed IRA

Top 4 Reasons You Should Invest in Multifamily Real Estate

So, you have decided to invest in real estate. Great idea! Not…
Self-Directed Roth IRAs

What They Don't Tell You About Becoming a Real Estate IRA Investor

Self-Directed Real Estate IRA investing can be one of the best…
Self-Directed Traditional IRA

Why Real Estate IRA Investors Should Avoid Out-of-State Investments

Experienced Self-Directed Real Estate IRA investors sometimes…