
How to Select the Best Type of Self-Directed IRA

Traditional Brokers vs. Self-Directed IRA Administration Firms

A traditional brokerage firm might offer you IRAs, but those…
Can You Use a Brokerage Account in a Self-Directed IRA?

Can You Use a Brokerage Account in a Self-Directed IRA?

When you read articles here at American IRA, it’s typically…
Can You Use a Brokerage Account in a Self-Directed IRA?

Using a Self-Directed IRA Brokerage Account

Looking around the Internet, it’s easy to think that using…
Can You Use a Brokerage Account in a Self-Directed IRA?

Self-Directed Brokerage Account Definition

You might have heard of a brokerage account, which gives you…
Can You Use a Brokerage Account in a Self-Directed IRA?

What is the Difference Between a Self-Directed IRA Custodian and a Brokerage?

Increasingly in years past, the Self-Directed IRA has gained…
Can You Use a Brokerage Account in a Self-Directed IRA?

Why Use a Self-Directed IRA for Brokerage Accounts?

When we talk about Self-Directed IRAs and how it’s possible…
Self-Directed Roth IRA

Why Would Someone Open a Self-Directed IRA Brokerage Account?

Usually when investors think about a Self-Directed IRA, they…
Can You Use a Brokerage Account in a Self-Directed IRA?

Can You Use a Self-Directed IRA for Brokerage Accounts?

Ask around about Self-Directed IRAs and you will likely learn…
Self-Directed IRA

What You Need to Know About a Brokerage Account for Self-Directed IRAs

When you hear about Self-Directed IRAs, it’s typically with…
Self-Directed SEP IRA

The Advantages of a Self-Directed IRA Brokerage Account

What are the advantages of a brokerage account within a Self-Directed…