Passive Investing within a Self-Directed IRA
What is financial freedom? Some define it in different ways,…
Learn These Key Self-Directed IRA Investment Options
Retirement investing doesn't have to be scary or complicated.…
Estate Planning with a Self-Directed IRA
A Self-Directed IRA is a great way to take control of your estate…
Does Your Self-Directed IRA Require a Financial Advisor?
Read enough articles here at American IRA and you might see us…
Self-Directed IRA Prohibited Transactions Made Simple
Prohibited Transactions Made Simple
Here at American IRA, we…
Diversification in a Self-Directed IRA
If you’ve read this blog over the past few years, you know…
Optimizing Retirement Savings with a Self-Directed IRA
Optimize Your Retirement Savings
For many Americans, retirement…
Don’t Ignore This Lesser-Known Advantages to Business Taxes
Many retirement investors choose to file their taxes using a…
A Brief Beginner’s Guide to Self-Directed IRAs
Not familiar with the concept of Self-Directed IRAs? Don’t…
Common Mistakes To Avoid With A Self Directed IRA
A Self-Directed IRA can be a great investment tool, but there…