American IRA Thanks The Men And Woman Of Our Armed Forces For Making Our Way Of Life Possible

Jim Hitt CEO of American IRA, a national provider of self directed IRAs, urges everyone to take action in December and give thanks to the men and women of the armed forces who make our way of life possible. “Without these men and women we would not be free to follow our dreams. We owe a great deal of thanks to the men and women currently serving in our armed forces, to the men and women who served and were lost, and to the families of the men and women of our armed forces who have sacrificed by giving up their time with their loved ones and in some cases by losing those loved ones. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to say Thank You to all the people who are and were in the armed forces and to the families of those brave men and women.”

At this time of year, especially, it is important that we remember some of these brave men and women are now alone in retirement homes, personal care homes, and even homeless shelters. It is time that all Americans take a time out…a few minutes…a half hour…an hour…whatever time they can spare to visit with those veterans that are alone. Some of these individuals will show their appreciation when you visit, others will not be able to show their appreciation…still all will have appreciated having someone take time out of their schedule to simply say “thank you”. If everyone stops and focuses on how much time these individuals sacrificed for us, then they must realize that taking this small portion of time out of their day pales in comparison.

This video, the “2011 West Virginia University Marching Band Armed Forces Salute“, is an amazing, moving, and very well done tribute to the Armed Forces.

Now is the time to take action! Don’t let those brave men and women get through this holiday season without hearing a heartfelt “Thank You”.

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