Social Security Experts Are Predicting The Fund Will Be Exhausted by 2036. American IRA Offers A Solution-Self Directed IRAs!

According to, Social Security Experts are predicting the fund will be exhausted by 2036. American IRA offers a solution-self directed IRAs! Now, more than ever it is critical that we begin to take our futures into our own hands.

Jim Hitt, CEO of American IRA says, “Many people are worried about their financial future in light of the recent nationwide reports about insolvency of the Social Security Fund. I would offer that essentially worry comes from a lack of preparation thus ‘preparation relieves worry’. That’s exactly correct…it is time to prepare our own retirement futures and self-directed IRAs are a great way to generate funds for use in your retirement years. I know…I have heard it before…you are thinking….’but I only have $6,000 in my retirement fund, retirement is less than 20 years away, and I just don’t have any extra income to contribute to my retirement fund.’ I can honestly tell you that I had a client take his retirement account from $6,800 to $293,000 in just 6 short years and you can have the same success.”

Self-directed IRAs allow individuals to use their IRAs to purchase non-traditional assets and the income generated from those investments is tax deferred or tax free. There are also all kinds of creative ways to partner with other IRAs, partner with other individuals, and even for your IRA to borrow money. Given all these options, it is easy to see that no one has to sit on the side lines and wait for Social Security to fail. Instead each person has the opportunity to take control of their retirement funds.

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