Rules of the Road Webinars – May

Location: Since these are webinars, you can attend from anywhere as long as you have a computer and a phone or alternatively a computer with speakers.

Date: 5/2/2012
Time: 12:00PM
Past Event. To view current events, please click here.


Date: 5/10/2012
Time: 12:00PM
Past Event. To view current events, please click here.


Date: 5/22/2012
Time: 12:00PM
Past Event. To view current events, please click here.


Date: 5/29/2012
Time: 12:00PM
Past Event. To view current events, please click here.


This webinar is packed with information about prohibited transactions, proper acquisition of assets, and more!

Some of the topics we will discuss are:

Disqualified Persons
Conflicts of Interest
Direct Prohibited Transactions
Proper Acquisition of Assets
and much more..

Cost: These webinars are open to the public and free to all!

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