“Where To Get The Money” Boot Camp | 21-24 March

Jim Hitt will have a vendor booth at this event!

Location: Atlantic City, NJ

Date: 3/21/2013 – 3/24/2013


“You Can Get All The Money You Want From People, Not Banks…And Get It Faster, Easier, And There’s No Limit To How Much You Can Borrow.” Let Alan show you How To Get All The Money You Need To Buy Property Even If Your Credit Is Shot, You’re Broke And Living Paycheck To Paycheck. Imagine it’s two months from now. Your local competitors can never seem to line up financing fast enough. In fact, many of them are afraid to make offers because they don’t know how they’ll finance the deals. But you have an unfair advantage…

Click here to register today!

Cost: $4995

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