Atlanta REIA Main Monthly Meeting March 2014 (Real Estate Investors Association)

Atlanta REIA (Real Estate Investors Association) Logo






Event Location: Salvation Army Headquarters

Address: 2090 N Druid Hills Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30329

Date: 3/3/2014

Meeting Agenda:

5:00 – 6:00PM Networking & Vendor Trade Show in Lobby

6:00 – 6:45PM Haves & Wants Speed Marketing Session

6:45 – 7:10PM Announcements, Mini-Sessions, etc.

7:10 – 7:25PM Networking Break

7:25 – 7:30PM Giveaways & Door Prizes

7:30 – 9:00PM Main Speaker Session

9:00PM Late Nite Networking at the Tilted Kilt Perimeter (1155 Mt Vernon Highway, Atlanta, GA 30338)


“How to Dramatically Increase Your Cash Flow” with Jimmy Napier

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a living legend! For over thirty years Jimmy has accumulated a series of cash flow and wealth building tools and ideas. Each one of his strategies is capable of saving you money, protecting your wealth, or increasing your negotiation power. These tools and concepts will work for you whether you’re dealing with notes and mortgages or real estate and have stood the test of time. Come learn from the best!

Cost: Free for Members, $15 for Guests (Guests can RSVP online)

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