How a Self-Directed IRA for Private Lending Works

A Self-Directed IRA Opens Up Investing Possibilities with These Loans

Many people are familiar with the basic concept of a loan. You loan out money to someone who needs the capital and charge them interest on the repayments. If all goes well, the borrower gets an immediate infusion of cash, and you get compensated for the risk you take. This is a time-tested method of investing—so much so that virtually every major bank in the world uses it. However, many people don’t realize that they can also make loans from a Self-Directed IRA.

Self-Directed IRA lending doesn’t require that you adhere to the current going market rates for interest, which means that you can potentially generate some extra passive income into your retirement account. However, understanding how this works is integral. You are, after all, the one in charge of your Self-Directed IRA. And that puts you in the driver’s seat, for better or for worse. Fortunately, adding knowledge can help you tip the needle in the direction of “for better.” Here’s what you’ll need to know about loans within a Self-Directed IRA.

Self-Directed IRA Lending: The Basics

First off, you can explore the basics of an IRA at our Private IRA lending section. There, you’ll learn why many borrowers will turn to someone’s IRA to obtain the financing they need. Lending from Self-Directed IRAs can frequently be completed by streamlining underwriting procedures and providing quick funding. In exchange, borrowers are frequently willing to pay interest rates well above the market rate for bank loans.

After all, if a borrower is unable to obtain the kind of loan they want from a bank, there is often a reason for that. This means that they have more demand for the money, which can increase the price of the loan—in other words, the interest rates. This, in turn, puts more money in the pocket of your Self-Directed IRA, assuming all goes according to plan. It’s worth noting that with any type of investment, there are always risks. Always do your due diligence first.

What Kinds of Loans Can You Make from a Self-Directed IRA?

We’ve talked about loans in the general sense so far. But what are the specific types of loans you can account as assets within your Self-Directed IRA? The list includes mortgages and trust deeds, secured notes, unsecured notes, private business loans, loans for commercial real estate development, car notes, property tax liens and deeds, hard money lending, bridge loans, and even purchases of distressed debt.

This exhaustive list helps provide context for just how much freedom you have when using an IRA. This is potentially a wide, diverse range of assets you can hold within a Self-Directed IRA if you prefer a loan strategy. However, since you’re the one in the driver’s seat, it’s ultimately up to you to decide what kinds of loans your Self-Directed IRA will make.

What to Remember About Self-Directed IRA Loans

By loaning out of a Self-Directed IRA, you take on risks—as well as potential rewards. You can set up the repayment terms and the agreements, as long as you find a willing borrower. You have the choice to go with secured or unsecured loans. Ultimately, the power and the risk fall back on you. But with a proper IRA administration firm in your corner, you can make sure that you handle the administration and the paperwork the right way. That’s where someone like American IRA comes in.

Interested in learning more about Self-Directed IRAs?  Contact American IRA, LLC at 866-7500-IRA (472) for a free consultation.  Download our free guides or visit us online at

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