Raising Private Capital

Location: Since these are webinars, you can attend from anywhere.

Date: 6/8/2012

Time: 12:00PM


Gene Trowbridge, Esq., CCIM, will be a guest on our June 1st webinar. In this webinar, he will share his Bankable Knowledge in:

  • Raising Private Capital
  • SEC Regulations in Relation to Raising Private Capital
  • Update on the Jobs ACT, which significantly changes raising private capital
  • And More…

As a lawyer, Gene specializes in the brokerage and syndication of commercial and investment real estate and works as a consultant to individuals and corporations.

Jim Hitt says “We are grateful to have him as a guest speaker and I know this will be a great webinar packed with valuable information.”

Read More about Gene Trowbridge…

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