Self-Directed IRAs

Benefits of Using Self-Directed IRAs

Ever heard that it’s a good idea to use Self-Directed IRAs? Of course, you have. Everyone seems to know that using a Self-Directed IRA will yield retirement benefits that include tax savings. But you might not be aware of all of the potential benefits that come with investing in Self-Directed IRAs until you take the time to read up on them. To that end, we’ve put together a comprehensive list of the types of benefits you might be surprised to learn about in retirement investing.

Self-Directed IRA Wealth Protection Benefits

You might wonder why investing with a Self-Directed IRA requires you to separate your retirement investments from your personal holdings. For example, when you work with American IRA as your Self-Directed IRA custodian, your Self-Directed IRA will technically be the entity that holds the investments. You can then issue buy orders to American IRA to execute the trade on your behalf.

Why do things this way? Simple: there is more flexibility and power when you have Self-Directed IRAs remain separate from your personal wealth. For the most part, people use this to distinguish between retirement accounts and personal holdings. However, there’s an additional benefit to handling things this way: wealth protection.

Let’s say that you held a Self-Directed IRA, but also had struggles in your personal accounts. In this case, assets you hold through Self-Directed IRAs can maintain a substantial level of protection from creditors under federal and state laws. For example, let’s say you were sued or had to declare bankruptcy. Your creditors might not be able to seize IRA assets that you need for retirement, which helps keep your financial future secure, even if you are in short-term financial challenges. This is one of the key perks to keeping your assets separate with a Self-Directed IRA.

More Flexibility in Creating Your Portfolio

Let’s say you wanted to capitalize on the above benefit, but you wanted to protect assets like real estate rather than stocks and bonds. How would you do it? The key way to do it is through a Self-Directed IRA, working with a Self-Directed IRA administration firm that serves as the custodian of the account. When the custodian offers the ability to transact real estate through a Self-Directed IRA, you now have access to a wide range of potential investments within your account.

This gives you more flexibility in determining the overall shape of your portfolio. Want to include precious metals, real estate, or even tax liens? With the right custodian, you can do exactly that. And not only that, but you’ll still be in charge of what’s invested, which means that you can determine the overall scope and shape of your retirement portfolio. You can still work with an independent financial advisor if you want—after all, a Self-Directed IRA custodian does not provide financial advice.

Is it Time to Use These Benefits?

These benefits are just some of the reasons why many investors turn to a Self-Directed IRA, because they give you more peace of mind that your retirement is built on a solid foundation.

There is, of course, one catch to using the benefits of a Self-Directed IRA: you actually have to establish a Self-Directed IRA and fund it!

Interested in learning more about Self-Directed IRAs?  Contact American IRA, LLC at 866-7500-IRA (472) for a free consultation.  Download our free guides or visit us online at

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