Henderson Properties Joint Webinar

INTRODUCING: “Using Self directed IRAs and 401(k)s to Add to Your Rental Portfolio”, A Free Joint Webinar Brought to you by Henderson Properties and American IRA

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Using an IRA as a real estate investment vehicle is a growing trend that can help make you a savvy investor. The free hour-long webinar will discuss how your IRA or 401(k) could help you purchase rental properties. Rental properties are becoming an increasingly popular way to invest for retirement. With the help of Henderson Properties and American IRA, you can learn how to add to your rental portfolio by using your self-directed IRA or 401(k) as an investment channel.

Senior Vice-President of American IRA, Sean McKay, a resident of Charlotte, will be leading the discussion during our investment webinar, along with Phil Henderson, president of Henderson Properties.

When: December 13, 2012

Times: For your convenience, we are offering this webinar at both 12:00 pm and 7:00 pm EST.

Where: Since these are webinars, you can attend from anywhere as long as you have a computer and a phone or alternatively a computer with speakers.

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