Real Estate IRA News : Rents Dropping Slightly In Some Markets

A recent study from real estate data and research company Zillow…

Micro-VC May Hold Opportunities for Self-Directed IRA Investors

The venture capital market may hold some new opportunities for…

Self Directed IRA – Should You Convert?

As we approach the end of 2016, it’s a good time to take stock…

Business Owners -- Why the Self-Directed Solo 401k May Be The Choice For You

The answer depends on your situation, your goals, and how you…

Beyond The Self-Directed IRA: Do You Have a Family IRA Strategy?

Under current law, any individual taxpayer who has earned income…

Self Directed IRAs: The Problem With Mutual Funds

Mutual funds were once a great idea. Most ordinary Americans…

Leaving Your Employer? Now’s a Great Time To Get Started in a Self-Directed IRA

If you’re leaving your employer after a long tenure – whether…

Self Directed IRA – Getting Help In The Fiduciary Rule ERA

Self-Directed IRA investors have always been an independent lot.…

Master Limited Partnerships in a Self-Directed IRA

The Self-Directed IRA is an extraordinarily flexible and powerful…

Year-End Tax Moves For Self-Directed IRA Investors

The end of a calendar year always brings a series of deadlines…