The Self-Directed IRA Prohibitions Most Investors Need to Be Aware Of

When you hear the word “prohibition,” you likely think of…

How to Dominate Your Self-Directed IRA with this One Important Factor

There are a lot of questions that investors hold about a Self-Directed…

Buying Hurricane-Damaged Homes in Your Real Estate IRA

Hurricanes cause lots of personal disaster and hardship for homeowners…

Insuring Your Real Estate IRA Property Against Hurricanes and Windstorms

The two recent devastating storms to strike the Southern United…

Real Estate IRA Owners Benefiting from Rental Growth Trends

It’s been a very good couple of years for Real Estate IRA investors…

Avoiding Self-Directed IRA Scams and Frauds – A Case Study

The vast majority of vendors and advisors operating in the Self-Directed…

Borrowing in a Self-Directed IRA

It’s a stubborn myth that you can’t borrow money within your…

Starting a New Self-Directed Solo 401k For Your Small Business

The Self-Directed Solo 401k is an amazingly flexible and powerful…

Hard Money Lending and a Self-Directed IRA

Many times, real estate developers hit a snag. They’ll get…

Investor vs. Custodian/Administrator Responsibilities With a Self-Directed IRA

Most IRA and 401(k) investors are used to having their hands…