webinar we will explain Self Directed IRA/401k?

Location: Since these are webinars, you can attend from anywhere as long as you have a computer and a phone or alternatively a computer with speakers.


Have you ever looked at your retirement account statements and thought, “At this rate, I will NEVER be able to retire.”

Come join us for an information packed webinar to learn how you can take control of your financial future by “Self-Directing” your IRA or 401k.

In this webinar we will explain:

  • Why most Americans are not on track to retire.
  • What is a Self Directed IRA/401k?
  • How to UNLEASH your IRA or 401k to invest in what you UNDERSTAND.
  • The process to make an investment with your Self-Directed IRA/401k.
  • Strategies that clients are using to get quality returns.

How to Join:

Please register for the meeting at one of the times listed below.

July 17th @ 12:00PM
Register at: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/577673375

July 23rd @ 12:00PM
Register at: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/135545279

July 31st @ 12:00PM
Register at: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/821431687

Cost: These webinars are open to the public and free to all!

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