Charlotte REIA April Monthly Meeting (Real Estate Investor’s Association)

Charlotte REIA



Jim Hitt, CEO of American IRA-a national Self-Directed IRA provider-will be in attendance at this information packed event and available to answer any questions attendees have about investing with their Self-Directed IRAs.

Event Location: Charlotte Executive Park

Address: 5700 Westpark Drive, Charlotte, NC 28217

Date: 4/3/2014

Time: 6:00PM – 9:00PM


Ron LeGrand on Quick Turning Real Estate for Fast Cash at the Crowne Plaza Charlotte Executive Park

Charlotte REIA Members & Guests Can Attend This Month For FREE if You RSVP Now!

Ron LeGrandCharlotte REIA is very excited to announce that real estate investing legend and millionaire maker, Ron LeGrand, will be speaking at our Charlotte REIA Main Meeting on Thursday, April 3rd at the Crowne Plaza Charlotte Executive Park located at 5700 Westpark Dr in Charlotte, NC (map) which starts at 6:00 PM. Ron has bought and sold over 2500 houses and helped create more millionaire real estate investors than anyone else on the planet and you can be one of them!

Come spend the evening with Ron where he will teach you how to “Quick Turn Real Estate for Fast Cash” and become a “transaction engineer” so you can kick start your real estate investing career and make this your most profitable year ever! You will learn about…

  • Update on Dodd-Frank Law – Ron will update us all on the new Dodd-Frank Law that went into effect in January and how that new law will or will not effect us as creative real estate investors.
  • Making Big Money With No Money Or Credit – Ron will show you where the big money is in real estate and how you can get it with NO money, credit or risk on your part.
  • Making Huge Profits On Over Leveraged Houses – Ron will show you how to control houses without ownership and make a minimum of $5,000 per house 3 to 4 times a month.
  • Getting Rich In Your IRA Tax Free – Ron will teach you how to use real estate to grow your IRA to a MILLION DOLLARS in less than five years without you ever personally contributing another dime.
  • Where To Find The Best Deals Even With Hot Competition – Ron will show you the best tool he’s ever used to absolutely ensure you never struggle to find deals and it only costs pennies to implement.
  • Where To Get The Money To Buy Bank-Owned Deals– Since banks require cash to purchase their properties, Ron will show you where to get the cash to buy bank-owned homes that won’t come from other banks or require credit or qualification.
  • Purchasing a Beautiful New Home for Your Family – Ron will show you how you can purchase a new home for your family in the next 45 days and never fill out an application, apply for a loan, or put up a down payment.

Cost: Free for members, $20 for guests

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