Great Mobile Apps for Self-Directed IRA Investors

At American IRA, LLC, we’re big fans of technology. Indeed, we rely on it every day to ensure our clients’ transactions are handled quickly and reliably. While Self-Directed IRA investors don’t usually need to get a daily valuation on their portfolios on their cell phones while waiting for an Uber ride, neither do conventional IRA investors!

That said, here are some super financial planning and retirement-related apps and programs we’ve found from around the Web that could become a useful tool in your Self-Directed IRA investing.

iFinance4. This app – currently available only on Apple products, is an asset monitor and budgeting program on steroids. Using your iPhone’s voice recognition technology, you can keep closer track of both income and expenses.

  • Track cash expenses
  • Split transactions
  • Automatically import transactions from other platforms.
  • Create 2D and 3D charts
  • Analyze profit & loss statements.
  • Create and monitor budgets.
  • Create recurring entries and expenses.
  • Track cash purchases
  • Split transactions into multiple categories.

iFinance4 even allows you to print out checks and remittance forms.

The program syncs with a Web application, so you can go back and forth between your mobile device, your desktop or laptop computer and even an iWatch.

For more details, and to download a demo version, click here. The full version is available for $39.99 via the Mac App Store.

HomeSnap. This app is for all you real estate IRA enthusiasts! It lets you all you have to do is use the app to take a photograph of any house, condo or other property you pass by and HomeSnap will pull up loads of data on the property, including when it last sold, and for how much. The app will also tell you local school listings and results from nearby sales as well. The price is free. Available on the Mac App Store and via Google Play.

Property Fixer. This program is among the premier pocket tools for fix-and-flip real estate investors. Property Fixer was designed to be a top-shelf tool for real estate investors who concentrate on fix & flip strategies. Property Fixer provides a handy calculator to help you analyze the profit potential of a property before you buy it, with just a few clicks and data entry points. It also enables you to email a professional PDF report to clients, partners and lenders right from your phone, branded with your name and logo.

If you’re used to having to go home after you see a new property to crunch numbers on your painstakingly constructed Excel spreadsheet, you’ll be pleased with Property Fixer, which allows you to do many of the same quick calculations on the go!

Property Fixer is available for $49.99 from, which also makes Property Evaluator – an app designed to help real estate investors analyze and evaluate rental and buy-and-hold properties.

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