Self-Directed Gold IRA

Want Private Stock in a Self-Directed IRA? Follow These Basic Rules

One of the most powerful ways for people to earn a long-term financial future for themselves is to get in with a company on the ground floor. That way, an investor can put aside a minimum amount of money in a private company—and eventually sell their share at an astoundingly larger value. Of course, it’s easier said than done. And we are not here to tell you how specifically to make Private Stock work for you. But if this approach does interest you, you will want to know the lay of the land. Most importantly, you will want to know the most vital rules that each investor in Private Stocks with a Self-Directed IRA has to keep in mind.

Important Rule to Remember for Private Stock Self-Directed IRAs #1

The first important rule to remember is that you cannot invest in a private company that you or any prohibited person owns, manages, or controls. Note that this doesn’t apply to your personal investments—of course you can invest in your brother’s company when you use personal money, for example, but that’s a topic for another day. But when it comes to using a Self-Directed IRA, the IRS will expect you to keep a strict boundary between personal and retirement assets. If you are using a Self-Directed IRA to hold your retirement assets, then you can’t have a personal relationship with someone who’s in charge of the company. It’s a clear conflict of interest that yields you personal benefits beyond the retirement investment.

For that reason, you will want to invest in companies where you do not have such a strict personal relationship with the owner or manager. That means no siblings, in-laws, family members, or people you might have known from prior companies, to be on the safe side.

Important Rule to Remember for Private Stock Self-Directed IRAs #2:

The second important rule to remember is that income has to be paid to your IRA according to its percentage of ownership. If your IRA owns 30% of the company, you need to receive 30% of the income. This makes it much more clean for you to understand the value of the investment you have. It will also help you better predict the returns you will have as the investment works out or it does not. If the income doesn’t match your percentage of ownership, it may be a sign that something is askew.

Important Rule to Remember for Private Stock Self-Directed IRAs #3

The third important rule? You will have to have an annual fair market valuation provided by the company management to American IRA every year. That’s if you are working with American IRA. As your Self-Directed IRA administration firm in this scenario, we would help administer the account, taking the paperwork off of your hands to a certain degree while you are free to focus on the investments. That’s the benefit of using a Self-Directed IRA; you are free to focus on the investments while the Self-Directed IRA administration firm you choose can handle much of the paperwork side of things. It’s important that you use a reputable custodian that not only knows the rules but knows what’s expected of you as you make every key financial decision within the Self-Directed IRA.

Interested in learning more about Self-Directed IRAs?  Contact American IRA, LLC at 866-7500-IRA (472) for a free consultation.  Download our free guides or visit us online at

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