Announcing Alan Cowgill’s ‘Where to Get the Money’ Bootcamp!

Date: June 27th through June 30th

Location: Louisville, KY

Jim Hitt, CEO of American IRA, will be attending this event and will have an opportunity to present information about ‘Using Self-Directed IRAs for Private Lending’

Imagine its two months from now. Your local competitors can never seem to line up financing fast enough. In fact, many of them are afraid to make offers because they don’t know how they’ll finance the deals. But you have an unfair advantage…

You’re surrounded by many private lenders, ready and eager to finance your real estate deals. I’m talking about individuals who love getting a good return on their investment dollars. With their money.

  •     You always have cash to close the deal.
  •     You’re buying dirt-cheap properties like there’s no tomorrow.
  •     You make every offer with confidence.
  •     You never take a dime out of your pocket. You always get 100% financing, plus the money you need for renovations.
  •     You’re advanced part of your future profit the day you buy a property.
  •     If you want, your loans have no monthly payments. (After all, you’re the one who defines the loan terms.)
  •     You don’t lose a bargain property to someone with “all cash” because you can’t finance the deal fast enough.
  •     You never pay points, fees, or prepayment penalties, and your closing costs are minimal.

And now that you’re free from using your personal funds, there’s no limit to the number of properties you can buy.

If you have private lenders now, you’ll learn to attract so many more that they fight to loan you money. And once they’re in competition, they’ll gladly accept a lower interest rate. (After all, their only safe alternative is a CD that pays a paltry rate or return)

But your credibility is a huge factor. Without the right approach, you could be dismissed as a “fly by night”, wreck your precious lending relationships, or get trampled by the SEC.

Since 1997, Alan Cowgill has perfected 16 methods for attracting individuals anxious to loan him money. He’s done hundreds of real estate transactions.

Alan Cowgill wants to show you how to duplicate his success and avoid the pitfalls. You’ll discover his bulletproof methods for attracting private lenders, making the right impression (as competent and credible), and winning their trust.

Click Here for More Information:

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