Make Self-Directed IRAs Work For You

A self-directed IRA or a self-directed Roth can generate more…

Why SEP Plan is essential for Both Employers and Employees

A SEP (Simplified Employee Pension) is a plan whereby an employer…

Have you heard about the Self-directed solo 401k?

What Is a Self-directed Solo 401K? A 401K is a legal tax shelter…

The Top Three Retirement Plans for Small Businesses

On a recent business trip, I had a lively conversation with a…

Tax-Free Real Estate Purchases Climb

Boosted by lower real estate prices and growing volatility in…

Taxes and Your Social Security

Your benefits may be taxed. But a little up-front planning today…

Undoing a Roth IRA conversion

If you converted a traditional individual retirement account…

Self-Direct Your Retirement

If you didn’t know anything about the stock market before October…

How to Maximize Your Retirement Income

You want to not only have enough money to live comfortably when…

A fraud warning for self-directed IRAs

Do your diligence on all your investments. In September, the…