Self-Directed IRA – Learn How It Can Help You Secure a Happy Retirement

If you want to retire happy, what’s your number one financial goal? Stability, of course. You want to know that your wealth isn’t only well taken care of, but that it’s steadily growing so that you can have it to count on in the future as well. The problem? Not everyone knows how to achieve this kind of stable wealth. They want to diversify their portfolio, but they don’t know the best strategies for doing that. Well, we have a suggestion for you: a Self-Directed IRA.

A Self-Directed IRA is simple: it’s a retirement account that you guide yourself. And because you guide it yourself, you’re free to choose from a whole range of retirement options, from gold and silver to real estate to tax liens.

But if you’re still unsure about how these types of investments—and indeed, this type of retirement account—can help you secure a happy retirement, keep reading.

Building a Portfolio You Can Believe in With Self-Directed IRA

We’re not against the stock market. We think you’ll find few investors who really are, at the heart of it. The stock market is full of fantastic companies working hard to increase their value. And they do, over time. In fact, on the long term scale, the stock market is one of the most stable investments you can make. And it’s possible to diversify your investments within the stock market, too, which means buying different types of stocks, different sizes of companies, and different industries.

But that’s not all there is to investing.

Investing is also about leveraging your own skills and experience to identify value when you see it and get in early. Investing also includes private companies, precious metals, real estate, tax liens, private loans, and more. And if you want your retirement portfolio to look a little more diversified than the traditional retirement portfolio, you’re going to have to use a retirement account that you can guide yourself so you can make these investments.

That’s where the Self-Directed IRA comes in. Guiding your own destiny within an IRA (which includes everything from a Solo 401(k) to a Roth IRA) means being able to pick your winners based on your experience and your skills. It helps you better get a hold of where your money is and where it will be come retirement time.

Defining Your Goals for a “Happy Retirement”

If you want to define happiness, you’ll have to go elsewhere. But if you want to define a happy retirement, you have to know what your financial goals are. What’s most important to you? Then you’ll have to take a look at some of the strategies you can use to achieve these important milestones.

Your priorities are what’s important here. So ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is more important to you: rapid growth or the confidence that your money will be there when you reach retirement?
  • Do you want more options or are you happy with sticking to the stock market, bonds, and funds?
  • Do you believe that diversification lends itself to other investment vehicles, not simply diversifying within one investment vehicle (the stock market)?

Understanding what you want is important, as it will help you define the strategies you need to get there. If you want to cut through the clutter of noise about retirement, continue reading our posts here at or simply give us a call at 1-866-7500-IRA(472) to learn more about how to utilize a Self-Directed IRA. We can help you with learning how to fund these investment accounts to get started on the next step of your retirement journey.




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