
Avoiding Real Estate IRA Tax Traps

Real estate provides a unique combination of investment qualities: Tangibility…

The Case for “Real Assets” Inside a Self-Directed IRA

It’s been a spectacular run for stocks. As of this writing,…

‘Crowdfunding’ Multiplies Self-Directed IRA Investment Options

A relatively recent development in social media is opening the…

Priorities: Retirement? Or Education

It’s a heart-wrenching call. Few families are in the fortunate…

How to Add Real Estate to My IRA

There’s nothing out there that quite offers the unique advantages…

Investing in Oil and Gas in Your Self-Directed IRA

With radical Islamist groups overrunning Iraq, including a number…

Should I Withdraw Money from Retirement Accounts To Invest?

Many times, we are presented with a unique and even once-in-a-lifetime…

How to Minimize Retirement Plan Expenses by Using Self-Directed IRAs

You’ve heard it said that compound interest is the investor’s…