Gold IRA Investing – The Recent Decline and How to Profit from it

Gold IRA InvestingSelf-directed IRAs can purchase a variety of different assets, including precious metals like gold, silver, and more. At American IRA we aim to keep you informed of the latest investing trends, and given the recent decline in gold and other commodities Gold IRA investing is a very popular topic. Gold fell more than 9% in a matter of two trading sessions this week, which has impacted many large funds.

For example, according to this Market Watch article, billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson has lost $1.5 billion on gold bets so far this year. Others are touting this series of events as the latest sign that the “risk-off” gold trade is on the decline, boding well for the stock market at large. Yet again, others point to events in Cyprus as the drag on the precious metal since the country’s central bank may be selling its gold reserves in order to receive bailout funds from the European Central Bank.

In contrast to these negative overtones, others see this as a bright spot; even a buying opportunity. Marc Faber, director of Marc Faber Limited (a Swiss investment adviser and fund management company), sees the fall in gold prices as a buying opportunity. Comparing the spot price of gold to other investments like Apple and the S&P index as a whole yields a unique picture. Apple is down 39% from its all-time high and the S&P isn’t even 1% over its peak in October 2007; meanwhile, gold has risen 100% over the same period of time.

Gold IRA investing can be important for your self-directed IRA portfolio because it may limit overexposure in other assets and has long been viewed as a hedge against inflation and global turmoil. In addition to this, gold can be acquired in a number of ways. In conclusion, self-directed IRAs truly enable you to invest in what you know best, regardless of current market conditions!

If you have any questions about opening a new account, contact us at 1-866-7500-IRA(472) or [email protected]. If you’d like to transfer your existing portfolio, contact us at 1-866-7500-IRA(472) or [email protected]. Click here to learn more about Gold IRA Investing via our Gold IRA page.

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