When to Start a Self-Directed IRA

Self-Directed IRAThere’s an old adage that life is all about timing. It’s not always about the decisions you make – it’s about when you make them. For example, consider an investment in a particular stock. If you made the decision after that stock jumped, then your investment might struggle. But if you timed it properly, you could see your investment grow.

Timing is always important in investments, of course, but it’s also important in the world of retirement investments. True, retirement investments tend to be about the long-term. Most people think that they have plenty of flexibility when it comes to time and retirement investments. But do you really?

When it comes to building long-term wealth, the answer for timing tends to be that the best time to start is now. But let’s break it down. If you’re thinking about starting a Self-Directed IRA, you may know that it’s important to get started sooner rather than later. But might it be time to consider opening up that Self-Directed IRA now? Let’s find out.

Self-Directed IRABuilding Long-Term Wealth Starts Now

When it comes to long-term investments, compound interest is your best friend. Whether you’re invested in mutual funds that echo the stock market and give you an annual return, or invested in real estate with the hope that eventually, real estate will go up … you know that just about anyone can build wealth over the long term, given enough time. Even the most casual of investors can build wealth if they are given a proper amount of time.

That’s why your journey to retirement wealth should start now. And now means now, whether you’re 20 years old or 50 years old. You can only start from where you are, and if you want to realize the greatest possible return for your long-term retirement investments, now is the time to get started.

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@iraexpert” hidden_hashtags=”#SelfDirectedIRA”]If you’re thinking about starting a Self-Directed IRA, you may…[/tweetthis]

What does that mean for you? Well, it simply means taking action. You can…

  • Do some more research into Self-Directed IRAs and how they allow you to invest in real estate, precious metals, and more.
  • Look into opening one for yourself, and learn exactly what that means – such as finding a provider through which to open your Self-Directed IRA
  • At the very least, create a plan for opening up a Self-Directed IRA within the next month.

Obviously, no one single action has to be so big and so scary that you avoid investing altogether. Take it one step at a time – as long as you realize that now is the best time to move forward.

Getting Over Your Fears

Self-Directed IRAWhen people hear about Self-Directed IRAs – especially casual investors – they sometimes tense up. They’re curious about the process and they like the idea of investment flexibility…but they don’t necessarily believe that they’re good enough of investors to actually make a Self-Directed IRA work.

How do you get over this fear? The truth is, many people have some type of investment they’re good at. Some people are great at investing in real estate; for them, the Self-Directed IRA is a great opportunity to ensure that they have plenty put aside for retirement. But you might be better at picking individual private companies to invest in. Or you may prefer precious metals.

Keep looking, and you’ll likely find something you can invest in within your Self-Directed IRA that you can get started with today. And since timing is so important when it comes to Self-Directed IRAs and investments of all types, you know that you need to take action now to build a nest egg that you can feel secure about. Keep browsing here at AmericanIRA.com or contact us at 866-7500-IRA(472). After all, timing is everything.




Images by: presentermedia.com

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